Nikki’s Adoption Story

Spread the Word

Dear Prospective Birth Parent,

Thank you for your interest in adoption and for choosing life for your unborn child instead of abortion. My name is Nikki, and at age 18 I became pregnant as a result of a sexual assault. Because of the rape, I felt that I could not parent this child, so I looked into planning adoption at the suggestion of my counselor.

Adoption is so different than it used to be. A birth mother can choose the family, and there can be contact after the child’s birth. I had certain criteria that I wanted in a family. Because of my faith, I wanted a Christian couple, with no children, and a stable marriage. I also wanted a couple who had similar looks to myself and the birth father, because it was important to me that this child fit into this family. I met with my child’s parents three times before she was born. They also met my family, because my family is very important to me and I wanted them to be involved in my decision.

I made my adoption decision early enough in my pregnancy so that, when I delivered a healthy baby girl, I was emotionally and physically prepared to let her go to a loving, childless family. Still, going home from the hospital with empty arms was very difficult, but I knew that she was in the arms of a wonderful family who could provide her with so much more that I could. Today I am a 24-year-old who thanks God for allowing me the opportunity to bring such joy to a childless couple.

Since placing my child, I have married and gone on to college to receive a degree in Sociology. I think of my child from time to time, and I receive pictures and a letter from her parents every year on her birthday. I know I made the best decision for me and for her. Adoption is a difficult decision. It takes a lot of courage and love to carry a child for nine months and then release that child so he or she can be raised by someone else. I respect you for whatever decision you make. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

High school student
Victim of sexual assault


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